I have been meaning to include the expansive and state-of the art research from Professor William White for some time now. Whilst his work is not so well known in the practice field in the UK, he has undertaken a number of fascinating studies into addition treatment and outcomes in particular. What is striking about his research is that it is very close to the ground, describing and illuminating critical issues that practitioners will recognize in their day to day work. This includes redefining the nature of recovery, the outcomes of everyday treatment, the impact of peer mentors and lots more besides.
To access a wide range of monograms across these research interests, click below.
Recovery / Remission from Substance Use Disorders: An Analysis of Reported Outcomes in 415 Scientific Studies, 1868-2011. Click here.
Narcotics Anonymous and the Pharmacotherapeutic Treatment of Opioid Addiction click here
Recovery-oriented Methadone Maintenance click here
Peer-based Addiction Recovery Support: History, Theory, Practice, and Scientific Evaluation click here
Perspectives on Systems Transformation: How Visionary Leaders are Shifting Addiction Treatment Toward a Recovery-Oriented System of Care click here
For a wide range of reading and resources check out Professor William White website by clicking here.