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Dual Diagnosis

Practitioners often feel de-skilled when faced with clients who present with complex and multiple needs.  This course offers participants the opportunity to understand how mental health and substances interact in clear and practical ways.  It begins by offering a clear insight into the differences and overlap between substance misuse and mental health problems, explaining why dual diagnosis rapidly becomes bigger than the sum of its parts.  The course then identifies different sub-types of dual diagnosis clients.  These present different challenges to services and the course shows how approaches can be tailor to each group.. 

The programme then goes on to map critical phases of change in dual diagnosis using the Osher & Kofoed stage model and offers practitioners practical skills in manging each phase. This includes building relationships and sustaining strong alliances, tipping point points of change and treatment interventions.  The course offers practitioners key psycho-social skills in abating common mental health symptoms to allow client to focus on recovery process.


Who is This Course For?

The programme is suitable for anyone working with complex needs including housing teams, substance misuse teams, criminal justice team and wider services.

Also Available to be Delivered Online?


Yes, Zoom based integration


Course Length


1 or 2 day course (9.30-4.30)

Max Number of Attendees 



Resources Required

Flipchart stand and paper

Any seating arrangements

Method of Delivery

The training course is highly interactive, even during presentations. It uses a wide variety of learning approaches including presentations, pairs and small group work exercises and self-assessment.  The course is also supported with free e-learning and further resources to re-cap, review and refresh learning.


Course Aims & Objectives:


The aim of the course is to increase confidence and ability to work with dually diagnosed clients. 


By the end of the course participants will have had opportunities to:           


  • Explain how substance misuse and mental health interact

  • Describe the needs of different sub-populations of dual diagnosis clients

  • Work within the recommended NHS framework to support dual diagnosis clients

  • Practice key skills in symptom management for mental health problems


"Keep doing what you are doing!"

Substance Misuse Worker

"There was an incredible amount of information being provided.  Really enjoyable and descriptive course-we probably need more days on it!! I will be visiting your website."

Substance Misuse Worker

"Thank you.  It is by far the best/most useful training course I have been on and I feel the trainer's knowledge was incredible.  By day 2 I had signed up for an A Level at college to follow up."

Mental Health Worker and Adviser

"Honestly the most informative, engaging training I have ever attended."

Housing Support Worker

Great teacher, great techniques, passionate."

Registered Mental Health Nurse

"Just so useful.  Feel I am a better practitioner because of it."

Drug & Alcohol Worker, CJS and Complex Needs Team

"Learned more in the last two days than I have in many years"

Probation Officer

"A breath of fresh air"


"I have never enjoyed a course as much as this one.  Phil Harris is an amazing teacher.  I have learned so much."



"Everything was useful, particularly ways in which we can practice with the knowledge gained on the training.  Fantastic, engaging, inspiring.  Without doubt one of the most informative courses I have been on!  Great facilitator!  Great not to have PowerPoint presentation.  I would do a week on this training."

Health Care Assistant, Acute Mental Health Ward

"I went home after the first day excited about coming back for the second day.  I only wish it was longer, as I learnt so much."

Community Mental Health Care Assistant

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