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Addiction, Dependence & Recovery

This course offers participants to understand the key concepts of substance misuse.  It begins by exploring historical and cultural contexts of drug and alcohol use and how this influences our attitudes to substance misuse.  This research challenges many of the core assumptions that we hold about the nature of intoxication and substance misuse problems.  The course explores the major substances of abuse, including New Psychoactive Substances, to develop drug identification and awareness skills.


The course then identifies what is a substance misuse problem, and how this occurs in physical and social areas of a person's life.  This offers insight into the behaviours and responses of problematic users in services.  Based on this, the course then defines recovery and explores the critical factors in achieving it.   


Who is This Course For?  


This course will be very helpful to a wide range of professionals whose work brings them into contact with problematic drug and alcohol use who want to gain knowledge and understanding of these issues.  It will also be very helpful for new substance misuse workers or agencies that are considering their current treatment approaches and hope to develop more effective outcomes.

Also Available to be Delivered Online?


Yes, Zoom based integration

Course Length

1 day (9.30-4.30)

Course Length 


1 or 2 days (9.30-4.30)

Max Number of Attendees 



Resources Required

Flipchart stand & paper

Any seating arrangment


Method of Delivery


The training course is highly interactive, even during presentations. It uses a wide variety of learning approaches including presentations, pairs and small group work exercises and self-assessment.  The course is also supported with free e-learning and further resources to re-cap, review and refresh learning. 


Course Aims & Objectives

The aim of the course is to increase practitioners knowledge and awareness of substance misuse problems and effective recovery.  


By the end of the course participants will have had opportunities to: 


  • Understand drug and alcohol problems in context

  • Define addiction & dependence

  • Describe the development of drug and alcohol problems

  • Understand the process of change and recovery



"Some great techniques / perspectives that I will look forward to using in day job"

Suicide Prevention Worker

"I have written down several facts and techniques I will use with my clients.  Excellent, thank you."

Housing Support Worker

"More please"

Senior Health Support Worker

"Great.  Massively interesting."

Mental Health Worker

"Everything was useful!  Nice to have a trainer who works through amassing own experience / research, not just generic training"

Housing Worker


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